Sunday, June 16, 2013

My Dream Story


Nabanggit ko na sa isang post ko na dream ko ang makagawa ng story about Witches. Nag-start ang fascination ko sa Witches magmula nang mabasa ko ang series na Charmed. So, I made this story about a Witch named Yzabel and a Vampire named Cleus. I'm planning to submit this to PHR under the imprint Gothic Romance but I'm having some second thoughts kasi...kulang na kulang pa ako sa information, sa skills at hindi ko alam kung pasado ito sa theme ng imprint na 'yon. Anyway, meet Yzabel and Cleus. :)


My name is Yzabel. But that's not my birth name. It's Leigh Armada. I was required to change my identity five years ago after the tragic accident that killed twenty nine other people, including me.

Yep. I'm dead already—well, actually it's Leigh who died. After her death, I, Yzabel—the “other” personality living inside Leigh's body— was born. Leigh was my “Normal” personality which means to say that I am er...abnormal? Okay, I'm not an ordinary person. I'm a Witch, a Half-Immortal and belong to a place called Crescentis—the Land of Fogs, Cold and Darkness. The land of nightmares. I hate that place.

I'm not an ordinary Witch either, I'm a Healer. My Healing Ability is so powerful that I can cure every kind of illness and Curses. I can mend the deadliest wounds and...give life to the dead.

My problem starts there. Spiderman says, "Great power comes great responsibility", he's damn right but he forgot to add the word “danger”, because having such great power is a dangerous thing. The Enemies wants me, they want to use my power for their evil deeds. They want me to summon Lord Branzon—the meanest, the most powerful and the notorious Vampire in the history of Crescentis who killed his clan and thousands of Mortals for the sake of Eternal Life.

Agatha and her coven called Luminus adopted me and hid me in the Crimson Castle. For five long years I was hidden inside that cold and dark castle surrounded by floating orbs, leather bound books about Crescentis and Sorcery, of old paintings and odd-looking statues... until one night the Enemies attacked us for an obvious reason: to get me.

I was forced to leave the castle with Agnes, a Witch who's expert in Teleports. We ended up in a dark forest outside Crescentis but as our feet landed in a solid ground, a hooded shadow ambushed us. Everything happened so fast, my vision went black, I lost my consciousness and lost track of what's happening. But one thing I'm sure of: I am in grave danger.


My name is Cleus. I'm a Vampire. Yes, a Vampire. Those nasty creatures who drinks human blood, sleeps in coffins, disguises as bats and fly like Superman. How cool is that, huh?

But not me.

I'm different. I'm a Regal breed or what they called "The Born One". I don't fly, I Teleport. I don't drink human blood--okay, I did try. Once. About hundred years ago. I don't sleep in coffins, all right? I have a bed. And I don't transform into a bat, I'm a vampire, not a shape-shifter.

They said I am special not just because of the Regal blood running in my veins but the powers I possessed as well. They call me the “Immortal Killer” for I have the ability to kill the Immortals. Immortals like Lord Branzon, the nasty cousin of mine who murdered our clan one hundred and twenty years ago.

I killed Branzon together with his Vampire Warriors but his other allies who survived my wrath were planning to summon his spirit by performing a Necromancy. The Widows were Branzon's faithful servants, they were the three old Necromancers or Death Callers who helped him gain the Eternal Life but the old hags failed to bring their master back to life.

Until recently I found out about they're plan to attack the Luminus. The Luminus is a Coven of good witches and one of them is a Healer, the Widows' target, who happened to be my target, too.

I ambushed the Healer, took her to my castle to kill her but I froze as I look into her face and realized that she looks like Caira—my sister who died in the hands of Branzon more than hundreds of years ago.

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